Published May 31, 2020 | Version 1.2
Project deliverable Open

WHOLE LIFE BUILT ASSET MANAGEMENT MODELLING FRAMEWORK: Integrating mitigation to earthquake induced liquefaction disaster events into strategic built asset management planning


Recent events have demonstrated that Earthquake Induced Liquefaction Disasters (EILDs) are responsible for significant structural damage with, in some cases, EILDs accounting for up to half of the economic loss caused by earthquakes. With the causes of liquefaction being largely acknowledged, it is important to recognise the factors that contribute to its occurrence; to estimate the impacts of EILD hazards; and to identify and implement the most appropriate mitigation strategies that improve both building/critical infrastructure and community resilience to an EILD event. The LIQUEFACT project adopts a holistic approach to address the mitigation of risks to EILD events. The LIQUEFACT project sets out to:
• Achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the impacts that EILD events have on the resilience of communities and buildings/critical infrastructure on which they rely;
• Achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the range of mitigation techniques (technical, operational, managerial and organizational) that can be implemented to improve the resilience of communities and building/critical infrastructure to EILD events;
• Develop more appropriate mitigation techniques (technical, operational, organizational and managerial), for both European and worldwide situations; and
• Develop a Resilience Assessment and Improvement Framework (RAIF) to allow community and building/critical infrastructure stakeholders to make the business case for mitigation interventions.
This report summarises the work of WP5.
• Section 1 provides an introduction to the deliverable
• Section 2 presents the background theory to built asset management and reviews its application to mitigation and adaptation studies
• Section 3 presents the final beta test version of the community resilience to EILD events toolkit
• Section 4 presents the final beta test version of the critical infrastructure toolkit
• Section 5 presents the final beta test version of the cost benefit analysis toolkit
• Section 6 presents the final beta test version of the Resilience Assessment and Improvement Framework
• Section 7 presents the final beta test version of the built asset management planning Toolkit
• Section 8 outlines the next steps in the validation of the toolkits


D5.4_bis LiquefACT.pdf

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European Commission
LIQUEFACT – Assessment and mitigation of liquefaction potential across Europe: a holistic approach to protect structures / infrastructures for improved resilience to earthquake-induced liquefaction disasters 700748