Published June 30, 2018 | Version v1
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Geographical Ecology ofTropidurus hispidus(Squamata: Tropiduridae) andCnemidophorus ocellifer(Squamata: Teiidae) in a Neotropical Region: A Comparison among Atlantic Forest, Caatinga, and Coastal Populations


Albuquerque, Ralph L., dos Santos Protázio, Arielson, Barbosa de Queiroga Cavalcanti, Lucas, Lopez, Luiz Carlos Serramo, Mesquita, Daniel Oliveira (2018): Geographical Ecology ofTropidurus hispidus(Squamata: Tropiduridae) andCnemidophorus ocellifer(Squamata: Teiidae) in a Neotropical Region: A Comparison among Atlantic Forest, Caatinga, and Coastal Populations. Journal of Herpetology 52 (2): 145-155, DOI: 10.1670/16-018, URL:



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