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There is a newer version of the record available.

Published April 2, 2022 | Version v3
Dataset Open

AbSplice-DNA (hg38)

  • 1. Technical University of Munich
  • 2. University of California Irvine


AbSplice-DNA predicts the probability that a variant causes aberrant splicing in a given tissue. See the publication:
Here, we provide precomputed AbSplice-DNA scores for 49 human tissues and all possible SNVs genome-wide for hg38. This version contains 19,728 protein coding genes.

The folder 'AbSplice_DNA_hg38_snvs' contains all scores.
The folder 'AbSplice_DNA_hg38_snvs_high_scores' contains scores above 3 different cutoffs: high cutoff (0.2), medium cutoff (0.05), low cutoff (0.01). These cutoffs approximately have the same recalls as the high, medium and low cutoffs of SpliceAI.

AbSplice scores are tissue-specific. In case users require a single score we recommend to use the maximum AbSplice score across tissues (excluding Testis).

AbSplice-DNA scores can be computed with the python package 'absplice':

This dataset includes SpliceAI scores. The scores are free for academic and not-for-profit use; other use requires a commercial license from Illumina, Inc., see the GitHub repository of SpliceAI:


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