Published April 27, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open



The article discusses the identification and implementation of ecological issues in molecular physics, as well as the didactic principles of continuity, clarity, relevance, theory and practice. Solving problems in the process of teaching physics has an important educational function. During the teaching process, students fully assimilate new topics, strengthen their knowledge and skills, and identify ecological issues to shape and develop their knowledge, skills and attitudes accordingly. In the presentation of topics, materials from the field of science and technology, teaching methods and tools were used, as well as taking into account the age characteristics, level of knowledge, skills and interests of students. Teaching physics helps students understand modern technology and the scientific basis of technology, and helps them understand the laws that govern the world around us. In particular, it helps to understand the laws of nature in relation to the environment and to analyze them from a physics perspective. In rural schools, students are interested in the ecological state of their country, analyzing environmental issues from a physics perspective and participating in their practical implementation helps to solve these problems. Because of solving a large number of problems related to physics and ecology, it is possible for students to gain practical experience in the field of physics, which can help them to better understand the ecological situation in their country. The article presents 13 topics related to the ecological content of physics and provides materials for studying them. In conclusion, it can be said that ecological issues in physics are underutilized in schools. If every physics teacher actively uses the issues presented in this article during their teaching activities, it will be beneficial to achieve educational goals. Therefore, the identification and implementation of ecological issues in physics in general education schools is of great theoretical and practical importance.



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