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Published April 26, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Age of FGK Dwarfs Observed with LAMOST and GALAH: Considering the Oxygen Enhancement

  • 1. Beijing Normal University
  • 2. Beijing Academy of Science and Technology
  • 3. Zhejiang Laborator


MESA (r12115) inlist files used in the preparation of the paper "Age of FGK Dwarfs Observed with LAMOST and GALAH: Considering the Oxygen Enhancement ".

The 'inlist_project_MIST_sun' file evolves the model from pre-main sequence to the TAMS '. 

This 'inlist_project_MIST_sun' file is an example file for an O-enhanced stellar model, with an input [α/Fe] value of 0.1 and a [O/Fe] value of 0.5. We use a Python code to drive the calculations of the stellar model grid, by modifying the initial y and z values, as well as the initial mass of the 'inlist_project_MIST' file, to obtain the 'inlist_project_MIST_sun' file.


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