Published April 26, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Causes of Low Vision and Blindness in Vision Rehabilitation Centres and Blind School in Urban and Rural Population of Bangalore-Karnataka.


Low vision is insufficient vision,despite wearing the best possible corrective lenses or in other words,to be unable to do the
things one want to do.
According to WHO- A person with low vision is one who has impairment of visual functioning even after: treatment, for
example an operation and/or standard refractive correction(has been given glasses or lenses)and has a visual acuity of less than
6/18 to light perception, or a visual field of less than 10 from the point of fixation(I.e.20 across) but who uses, or is potentially
able to use, vision for the planning and/or execution(doing it)of a task.[1]



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