Published April 24, 2023 | Version 1
Other Open

5G-IANA - D3.1 Initial consolidated report on the 5G-IANA architecture elements

  • 1. UBITECH


[Deliverable pending final approval by the EC]. This deliverable (D3.1) reports on the outcomes of the design and development activities carried out in the scope of WP3 and relative to the 5G-IANA Automotive Open Experimental Platform (AOEP). The document describes the developments that have been carried out from M12-M21 (February 2022) for the building blocks and interfaces of the 5G-IANA architecture that will comprise the first consolidated version (Version A) of the Platform (in M24 after finishing the first round of integrations). The reported developments stem and comply with the 5G-IANA general architecture and requirements, as they have been defined in D2.1.


5G-IANA - D3.1 - Initial consolidated report on the 5G-IANA architecture elements.pdf

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5G-IANA – 5G Intelligent Automotive Network Applications 101016427
European Commission