Published April 20, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Computational data for Covalent benzenesulfonic functionalization of a graphene nanopore for enhanced and selective proton transport


Computational data for publication: Covalent benzenesulfonic functionalization of a graphene nanopore for enhanced and selective proton transport

1) ReaxFF_MD_trajectories_and_data:

  • NPT, NVT, metadynamics trajectories;
  • Metadynamics COLVAR and HILLS files;
  • Metadyncamics_Gibbs_free_energiy_estimations.ods

2) for estimation of areal proton conductivity using the Gibbs free energies extracted from the ReaxFF MD metadynamics.




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European Commission
BIOGRAPHENE – Sequencing biological molecules with graphene 335879