Published April 20, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Morphological Study of Lungs and Variations in Rajasthan-A Cross-sectional Observational Study


Objective: Morphological study and variations in the right and left lung, through the study of lobes, fissures, hilar structures and their variations. Methods: We examined the changes in fissures, lobes, and hilar structures in 65 right and 73 left isolated lungs from the dissection hall of Jhalawar Medical College, Rajasthan. Results: Horizontal fissure was absent in 3.07% and incomplete in 35.38% of right lungs. 3.07% of right lungs had 3 arteries, 67.69% had 2 arteries, and 29.23% had only one artery in the hilum. 63.07% of right lungs had two veins, 32.30% had 3 veins, and 4.61% had more than 3 veins in the hilum. 98.46% of right lungs showed 2 bronchi and 1.53% of them showed 3 bronchi in the hilum. Two of the right lungs (3.07%) had an artery passing across the oblique fissure. 15.06% of left lungs showed incomplete oblique fissures and 2.73% showed 2 fissures and 3 lobes. 5.47% of left lungs showed 2 arteries and 94.52% had only one artery in the hilum. 80.82% of left lungs had two veins in the hilum and 19.17% had 3 veins in the hilum. 21.91% of left lungs had 2 bronchi and 78.08% had only one bronchus in the hilum. Conclusion: The results of the present study show that a variety of variations can occur at the hilar structures as well as the shape, fissures and lobes of the lungs in humans.


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