2022 electricity and heat demand data for a city district (Belgium)
Dataset of electricity and heat demand in 2022 in a city district in Belgium (similar data for 2021 is available on Zenodo as well, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5155659). For the time period of the data, the district was still under construction and no full inhabitation of the buildings was present. Electricity data include electricity demand for:
- Individual households
- EV charging stations
- Decentralised waste water treatment
- Heat pump
- District heating pumps
- Vacuum network pumps
- Miscellaneous
'Total' in the electricity dataset (ElectricPower) refers to the sum of the separate time series. 'Total measured' is a measurement of the total electricity use (in W). Data is averaged out over 15 minutes and expressed in Watt.
The electricity demand for the individual households (ElectricPowerPrivateUnits) is expressed in Watt for the complete period. Column names have the form x.y in which x is a random number assigned to an apartment and y refers to the electricity consumption during the day (1) or at night (2).
The heat demand data (HeatDemand) describes the heat demand of the complete district, i.e. all private living units as well as common areas, office buildings, sports hall... Like electricity demand data, heat demand data is averaged out over 15 minutes and expressed in Watt.
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- Continues
- Dataset: 10.5281/zenodo.5155659 (DOI)