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Published April 19, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open



The concept and content of the crime of fraud, the legal description of the crime of fraud and the peculiarities of qualifying the crime, the criminological description of the crime of fraud and the factors that create it, the new types of fraud that arise in the field of Economics and the issues of liability for them, fraud crimes related to credit relations and bank plastic cards,, criminal legal and criminological means of property relations in the field of Economics, abuses in the financial and economic and banking system, illegal consumption of raw materials resources and labor resources, positive indicators and unpleasant trends in its economy, Economic Freedom, price liberalization, cancellation of a state order, distribution of funds in the financial and credit system, development of criminal law and criminology theory, , additional proposals and recommendations were made on the analysis of the quality of the property, the cost, the identity of the culprit, his authority and the work carried out with the study of the correct Organization of such activities and the opinion and reasoning of foreign scientists.



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