There is a newer version of the record available.

Published April 14, 2023 | Version Version 2.0
Other Open

European Competence Framework for Quantum Technologies

  • 1. TU Braunschweig


Update to version 2.5 coming soon (April 2024):
Extension with a proficiency triangle (proficiency levels for three areas (I) quantum concepts (II) QT (HW & SW) engineering and (III) QT applications and strategies, as well as qualification profiles with example personas and (training) needs and suggestions.


The European Competence Framework for Quantum Technologies aims to map the landscape of possible competences and skills in Quantum Technologies. Version 1.0 has been compiled by the QTEdu CSA in order to facilitate the planning and design of education and training projects in Quantum Technologies. Updated to version 2.0 in the Quantum Falgship CSA QUCATS. New in version 2.0: descriptions and examples for the proficiency levels, clearer structure and wording and addition of key skills.

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The Competence Framework was developed in a bottom-up approach with input from a wide range of stakeholders. Between summer 2020 and spring 2021, input for the framework as well as predictions around the future quantum workforce were collected in an iterative study  (Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 19, 010137), and the results were refined by conducting expert interviews for each domain. The publication of a Methodology and Version History by the European Commission provided a complete overview of the documentation process and the steps taken to arrive at the framework version 1.0. For version 2.0, feedback and usage experiences have been incorporated and events have been organised to involve the community. A report on the update and extension to version 2.0 is available in Front. Quantum Sci. Technol.:


Version 2.0 from April 2023



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European Commission
QTEdu – Coordination and Support Action for Quantum Technology Education 951787
European Commission
QUCATS – Quantum Flagship Coordination Action and Support 101070193