Published April 19, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Where is Tweeting What about London?: Investigating Discontent in Left Behind Places

  • 1. Geospatial Systems CDT, School of Engineering, Newcastle University
  • 2. Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS), Newcastle University
  • 3. School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics, Newcastle University


The “levelling up” agenda set out by the UK government was designed to tackle entrenched regional patterns of social inequality, which have been associated with “left behind places”. These places are united through discontent resulting from being ‘left behind’ in regional development, experiencing stagnation whilst other, often metropolitan, areas experience rapid growth. Alternative datasets, including social media data, have been identified as possible ways to evaluate this discontent. This study will use a specific case study, perspectives of London from outside London, to evaluate how this dataset can be used to understand the dynamics of levelling up.



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