Published April 12, 2023 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

Cloud-Edge-IoT Demand Landscape

  • 1. IDC


Project manager:

  • 1. IDC


The present document (D1.1) is the first report of WP1 of UNLOCK-CEI project covering the demand landscape analysis. UNLOCK-CEI’s ambition is to UNLOCK the potential for accelerating the deployment of the Cloud-to-Edge-IoT (CEI) computing continuum in Europe. The focus is on demand-side drivers and challenges that can help identify technology-driven innovation and business opportunities that will stimulate demand value chains. To this end, UNLOCK-CEI deals with several technological concepts surrounding cloud, edge and IoT. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the main technologies that are the core of UNLOCK-CEI, analysing these from a demand market perspective and providing insights on their evolution and maturity, their current and future uptake, the key use-cases, and the main drivers and barriers for the adoption. This report is generated leveraging IDC research on the CEI market and other major public sources.


This document contains information in the form of the UNLOCK-CEI project findings, work and products and its use is strictly regulated by the UNLOCK-CEI Consortium Agreement and by Contract no. 101070571. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the UNLOCK-CEI consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.



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European Commission
UNLOCK-CEI – Unlocking the Cloud Edge IoT demand potential in Europe 101070571