Published April 11, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Final Data products in the paper "Disintegration and Buttressing Effect of the Landfast Sea Ice in the Larsen B Embayment, Antarctic Peninsula"

  • 1. MIT


Data file "v_timeseries_filted.mat" contains horizontal velocity maps after time-series filtering.

It consists of the following:

LAT: latitude 

LON: longitude

t_date: date (yyyy-mm-dd)

U: velocity, south component (m/day)

V: velocity, east component (m/day)

speed: horizontal speed (m/day)


Folder "v_strain_rate" contain data files as "v_epsilonYYYY-MM-DD_YYYY-MM-DD.mat" for each pair of dates, where YYYY, MM, and DD stand for year, month, and day, respectively. The two dates indicate the two SAR images used for offset tracking.

It consists of the following:

lat: latitude 

lon: longitude

t1: the first date (yyyy-mm-dd)

t2: the second date (yyyy-mm-dd)

t_mid: ( t1 + t2 ) / 2

U: velocity, south component, (m/day)

V: velocity, east component, (m/day)

e_dil: horizontal dilation strain rate (day-1)

e_xy: horizontal max shear strain rate (day-1)

e_xx: strain rate in the horizontal flow direction (day-1)

e_eff: effective strain rate (day-1)


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