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Published April 6, 2023 | Version v1.0
Project deliverable Open

D5.1-Task Analysis for Benchmarking and Design Requirements (I)

  • 1. AI-PRISM


User requirements were analysed and defined within five use cases in the AI-PRISM project. The initial processes were benchmarked for human factors involved in the use cases. Based on this information, this document reports and specifies operator psychological safety aspects necessary for successfully adopting AI-based robotics technology. Section 1 introduces the document and the need for this data collection. Section 2 describes the methodology used for data collection within the five use cases. The results are reported in Section 3, and finally, Section 4 presents brief conclusions and future directions.


D5.1.- Task Analysis for benchmarking and design requirements (I).pdf

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AI-PRISM – AI Powered human-centred Robot Interactions for Smart Manufacturing 101058589
European Commission