Published December 10, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Private Museums of Kyiv: Genesis, Historical Evolution, Current State

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
  • 2. National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to determine and substantiate the stages of formation and development of private museums in Kyiv, the formation and functioning of which largely depends on the environment and needs that surround it. The research methodology. The methods of historical, deductive, art critical, comparative analysis and synthesis are used. The scientific novelty of the work. After Ukraine gained independence, modern private museums emerged in the city of Kyiv, which was an opportunity to learn culture, bring up patriotism and feel the spirit of the people. However, their status and functioning is not sufficiently covered in the scientific literature. It was established that the present requires museums, in particular, private museums in Kyiv, and the formation of a new approach to their work: interactive exhibits, active cooperation with the mass media, public organizations, various funds, modern advertising, active introduction of information on the Internet concerning the activity of museums, their collections, individual museum monuments of national, European and global importance. Conclusions.The role of private museums of the city of Kyiv in shaping the museum space was revealed; they are an important element of preserving and studying art. It was proposed to improve the development of private museums in Kyiv to develop an innovative direction (museum marketing, museum management, fundraising, PR-technology, the use of new technology, the project as a specific form museum activities) and improve international cooperation (creating international digital resources, multilingual information support of expositions, advanced training of museum staff, tourism). To improve the information technology sector (advertising, photographs, museum’s electronic database, the Internet, publishing, video tours, audio guides, television, radio, informational facilities for people with disabilities, etc.). All the above mentioned will allow private museums of Kyiv to ensure the possibility of unhindered access to the achievements of national and world culture.



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