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Published December 10, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Main Structural Varieties of the Stolpovyi (Neuma) Chant Singing and Its Notation

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to find out the reasons for the appearance and evolution of structural varieties of the Old Kyiv Stolpovyi chant singing. Methodology of the research is based on the methods of analysis and synthesis to detect the interaction of the main structural varieties of the Stolpovyi chant singing, chronological and statistical methods are used to outline the time and quantitative characteristics of the collected material, the comparative method is used to identify the general and special features in various noted liturgical manuscripts. Scientific novelty consists in elucidating the origins of the Stolpovyi noting and its structural varieties. Conclusions. The structural varieties of the Stolpovyi chant singing, its origin and development are studied; the structure of the chants is analyzed. The liturgical chants were taken over by Kyiv Rus from the Greeks and Bulgarians. In the process of assimilation, the Kyiv choristers not only altered, but also created their own singing and noting, rather differed from the Greek and Bulgarian liturgical singing. The false allegations of the Russian scientists have been revealed and it is proved that Ukraine, not Russia, is the successor of Kyiv Rus.



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