Published December 10, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Influence of Sound Technology on the Formation of the Musical Film

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to analyze the influence of sound technology on the formation of the musical film. The research methodology involved the use of audiovisual analysis of the first musical films, which allowed for understanding the value of sound technology in the establishment of the musical film. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the strict analysis of the development of the first sound technology and revealing its influence on the formation of the musical film. Conclusions. The advent of sound into cinematography led to the destruction of the established ideas about the artistic principles of silent cinema. This incited the search for new forms of visual organization of the material naturally associated with the characteristics of sound cinema: the construction of the set-up and frame composition, camera movement, the new understanding of film editing and its rhythm. In the movie “42nd Street” (1933), at the shooting, the method called “lip-syncing” was used for the first time. It is used today when shooting musical and dance scenes, as well as filming concerts and musical performances. Only through the development of sound technology were the basic artistic principles of creating a musical film formed.



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