Published April 5, 2023 | Version v1
Poster Open

Reduced Atmospheres of Post-Impact Worlds: Hiding Reducing Power in the Planet Core

  • 1. Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge
  • 2. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge
  • 3. Impacts and Astromaterials Research Centre, Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London


Reduced surface environments are required for many prebiotic chemical pathways. Large impacts onto Hadean Earth have been suggested as scenarios able to generate such environments on a global scale. Physical and chemical processes that occur shortly after impact can, however, limit the reducing power that is available at planet surface. Here, we present impact simulations and chemical calculations that demonstrate the efficient loss of reducing power from the post-impact planetary surface. This loss occurs via the dynamic escape of impactor core material, or the sinking of this material to the planet core, during impact, and through interactions between the atmosphere and the impact-generated melt phase. We suggest that post-impact surface environments are sufficiently reduced that species important to prebiotic chemistry can form (e.g., HCN, HCCCN). Additionally, the formation of a reduced impact-generated melt phase allows for reducing power to be stored in the planet mantle, where it can degas to the surface on geologic timescales.



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UK Research and Innovation
STFC Cambridge IoA 2019 DTP ST/T505985/1


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