Published March 3, 2023 | Version v1
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Experience of foreign countries in the implementation of the right to access to environmental information


Purpose: to analyze the experience of foreign countries in implementing the human right to access to environmental information, their legislation, practice, and peculiarities of implementation of this right in different countries of the world. Also, to explore the judicial practice and the functioning of the institution of the Information Commissioner. 
The methodological basis of the study comprises general scientific, philosophical, ideological, method of analysis and special methods. 
Results: studying and summarizing the experience of foreign countries in the field of implementing the human right to access to environmental information is extremely important for the modern world. Overall, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Estonia, Denmark, Iceland, and the United Kingdom have progressive and effective legislation in this field. However, the authors conclude that the experience of Sweden is the most optimal. 
Discussion: modern social needs, the development of intellectual technologies and artificial intelligence, information wars have raised questions about the need for constant dynamic improvement of the mechanism for implementing the human right to access to environmental information, including the use of the latest developments, the Internet network, modern information protection systems, etc. On the one hand, modern technologies simplify and speed up access to environmental information, but on the other hand, a range of opportunities for technological manipulations, concealment of information, and so on, arise. Therefore, there is a problem with the absence of a proper mechanism for realizing human rights in the sphere of access to environmental information. There is a need to study the experience of foreign countries in this field. These processes are confirmed by the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information" of January 13, 2011, No. 2939-VI, the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine No. 10 of September 29, 2016, "On the practice of application by administrative courts of legislation on access to public information," and other regulatory acts.


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