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Published March 31, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Deliverable D7.2 First Integrated 5G-TOURS Ecosystem


  • 1. RW


The 5G-TOURS project aims at deploying full end-to-end trials involving real end-users (volunteers who consent to participate) and vertical operational services in three different European cities (Turin, Rennes, and Athens). In the 5G-TOURS “ecosystem” realised in the three cities, 13 use cases related with the themes of the touristic city (5 use cases), the safe city (4 use cases) and the mobility-efficient city (4 use cases) are being deployed. The ultimate goal of this approach is to trial the use cases in a real environment by continuously collecting network, service and vertical KPIs and evaluate them against a set of predefined vertical-oriented criteria. Towards this direction, WP7 - System integration and evaluation, focuses on delivering the integrated 5GTOURS ecosystem that will allow for the realisation of pilots in all three sites and drive the evaluation of the results of the trials. This deliverable is the second document produced by WP7 and presents the first version of the 5G-TOURS integrated ecosystem. The term “ecosystem” includes the site infrastructure, the 5G-TOURS platform and 5GTOURS innovations, the hardware and software components and services which belong to use cases owners and in general all the required functionalities which are required for the smooth and successful execution and evaluation of the 5G-TOURS trials. It also includes all the methodologies and means for the collection, analysis and validation of the KPIs. In this deliverable, the initial 5G-TOURS integrated ecosystem is presented with focus on: • The final 5G-TOURS evaluation methodology, which covers QoS, QoE and vertical satisfaction aspects. In the first deliverable D7.1 (5G-TOURS, D7.1, 2020), the initial 5G-TOURS evaluation methodology was reported, which covers QoS aspects that can guide the pilot sites. In this deliverable, this initial evaluation methodology is extended beyond QoS, in order to also evaluate the level of satisfaction of end-users and verticals’ players with the use cases deployed. This includes users' QoE as well as the feedback from the vertical players on how the technology provided can improve their business operations. For 5G-TOURS evaluation methodology, we consider two phases. The first phase is realized during the trials execution and collects both the QoS metrics, automatically obtained from the infrastructure, and the QoE metrics (and vertical satisfaction), collected using appropriate questionnaires. The second phase, realized after the trials’ executions and, is responsible to analyse the collected metrics, to validate the KPIs against the predefined targets, to provide insights and finally to create a model for QoS-QoE correlation by using correlation-regression analysis. • The plan for the actual technical validation of the 5G-TOURS use cases. Initially, a feasibility study was realised in each use case (UC) in order to identify which of the KPIs can be technically validated. This study, the outcome of which is presented in this deliverable, takes into consideration: a) the validation plan of each UC; b) the capabilities, characteristics and deployment approaches of the sites; c) the UC requirements stated in D2.2 (5G-TOURS, D2.2, 2020). For the KPIs that are characterised as feasible, a technical validation plan was generated. These plans which are described in the current document include all the required guidelines to the technical WPs (WP4/5/6) in order to collect the required metrics including: a) probe positions in the network; b) probe positions in the protocol layers; c) trial details (e.g. duration, sampling period, collection method; d) assumptions during collection. • The integrated 5G-TOURS ecosystem. The three sites can be characterised as an integrated ecosystem of different hardware and software components, including the 5G EVE infrastructure, the 5G-TOURS extensions on this infrastructure, the 5G EVE platform, the 5G-TOURS innovations, and also the services, the software and hardware brought by the use cases. This complex integration activity is managed by WP3 and WP7, where WP3 focuses on the architecture design and hardware deployment and WP7 on the software integrations. The first outcomes of this integration activity, which ensures the smooth deployment of the UCs, are presented in this document as well. The next steps toward the integration and validation activities (to be reported in the next WP7 deliverable, D7.3) are: 1) the provision of the second version of 5G-TOURS ecosystem after the finalisation of the integration process; 2) the overall orchestration of trials and validation processes including the analysis of the validation results toward providing the first version of validation results and initial QoE-QoS correlations


5G-TOURS_D7.2 First Integrated 5G-TOURS Ecosystem_V1.0.pdf

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5G-TOURS – SmarT mObility, media and e-health for toURists and citizenS 856950
European Commission