Published March 15, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Impact of Transformational Leadership on ‎Innovative Work Behavior: Mediating Role of ‎Intrinsic Motivation

  • 1. Kardan University


Due to unlimited consumer expectations, a changing environment, emerging new technological trends, high competition, and rivalry in the global market, companies using this challenging and uncertain era of technology need transformational leadership and work behaviors from their employees to cope successfully with uncertainties. The current research tests the effectiveness and relationships of transformational leadership and innovative work behavior with the mediating construct of intrinsic motivation. However, most recent studies in the field of creativity have mainly examined how leaders affect their team members' creativity instead of focusing on innovative work behavior. Thus, the present study concentrated on innovative work behavior through the mediating effect of intrinsic motivation for the first time in Afghanistan. The present research has applied quantitative research methodology and positivism philosophy with a deductive approach based on the available theories and concepts and used a non-probability type convenient sampling method with a maximum sample size of 210 respondents. For analysis, frequency tests, reliability tests, normality tests, and mediation analysis tests were done through SPSS. The important discoveries of the present study explored how intrinsic motivation mediates the relationship between transformational leadership and innovative work behavior in the Afghan development sector. Future researchers could use the different mediations and mediators to enlarge and clarify the association between transformational leadership and innovative work behavior in different contexts.


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