Published October 25, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open



The plurality of causes and consequences of gender-based discrimination in human societies is a much known fact.
The reason it is still prevalent in modern democracies for it has social sanction and acceptance either through religious
scriptures, cultural practices, or traditional social institutions that are at times perceived unquestionable and to be
rigidly adhered to. Transforming societies that are deeply rooted in traditional gender-discriminatory norms require
education that will empower a person to question social conditions in the broader purview of scientific knowledge,
rational mindset and humanitarian values. Teachers of modern age can instil this argumentative and deliberative or
discursive democratic mindset among the learners of today that will be instrumental in creating more just and
egalitarian society free from gender biases and discrimination. This necessitates the relevant pedagogical inputs
through teacher preparation so as to equip prospective teachers for making it a part of their day to day teaching
practices. The present paper is based on author’s classroom experiment of pedagogical endeavours with studentteachers
of B. Ed. degree program in India. The major aim of this study was to gender sensitize prospective teachers
through argumentative and reflective pedagogical strategies and to document their perspectives and learning while
dealing with the Inter-disciplinary Course – Gender, School and Society from the present B. Ed. curriculum of
University of Mumbai. Observation and diary documentation method was used in the study and the outcomes of the
experiment were analysed qualitatively. The study discovered unique benefit of argumentative and reflective
pedagogical strategies in guiding students’ moral judgements and sensitizing them for more balanced, rational and
well informed scientific thought process on the issues of gender equality. The study revealed a growing positive
scenario among the prospective teachers of the present age, irrespective of their gender, towards breaking the ageold
gender-discriminatory social norms and gender stereotypes.


37.Dr. Sunil Rajpurkar.pdf

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