Published June 5, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Metaphor as Artistic Means of Imagery Forming in Poster of the 1990s –2010s (Through the Example of the Posters of the VI International Triennial "4th Block")

  • 1. Khortytsia National Academy, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine


The aim of the article is to consider the Ukrainian poster from the perspective of imagery forming patterns by a metaphor as artistic means of expressiveness; to research scientific sources concerning the development and formation of the Ukrainian poster; to identify means of expressiveness and the art specific nature of the Ukrainian poster of the period of the 1990s – 2010s. The methodology of the research consists of an integrated approach to the realization of the aim of the research, methods of analysis, synthesis, comparative historical, descriptive, stylistic methods for understanding the evolution features of the modern Ukrainian poster of the 1990s – 2010s and considering metaphors as artistic means of forming its imagery. The scientific novelty. The article, for the first time, considers metaphor as an important artistic mean of forming imagery in the Ukrainian ecological poster of the postmodern era; it is proved that in the poster the metaphor is a universal tool that carries out important design and artistic tasks on the formation of artistic imagery; found that the combination of independent and incompatible forms in reality, as well as the provision of new values to these forms is a typical technique for postmodern poster. Сonclusions. In the 1990s, the Ukrainian poster lost the “Soviet inclusiveness” and became a mobile response to a specific local event within the regional territory and issued copies. In the context of the Ukrainian ecological poster of the postmodern era, the current study found that for the poster of the 1990s – 2010s there is an urgent need for the approval of the spiritual experience of the nation, which occurs when using a metaphor that acquires complicated, multi-level and ambiguous content. Creative thinking of artists combines unique solutions of visual artistic and graphic elements, original collisions in unexpected thematic contexts of familiar objects from everyday life, the use of mixed design practices and techniques.



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