Published March 22, 2023 | Version version 2
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The San Bartolo Lava Flow Field Along the Northeast Flank of Stromboli Volcano: A Preliminary Study for Field Survey


This file comprises 120 slides where we display the San Bartolo lava fan cropping out along the NE coast of the Stromboli island between the Sirenetta wharf to the east and the beach of Piscità to the west, for an extension in plan view of ~ 1 km. The lava fan is made of 16 lava flow units, most of which expand below sea level, as it is possible to observe from several photos taken from above. Given the number of private houses, gardens and roads covering the 16 lava flow units, it is very difficult to identify each lava flow unit directly from the field, and this is the reason for this preliminary study carried out from the air.


The survey of the San Bartolo lava flow field, and the reconstruction of the events and timing occurred during this recent flank eruption, is part of a research project (FIRST-ForecastIng eRuptive activity at Stromboli volcano: Timing, eruptive style, size, intensity, and duration) funded by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) Progetto Strategico Dipartimento Vulcani 2019 (Delibera n. 144/2020; Scientific Responsibility: S.C.).


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Is supplement to
Journal article: 10.1007/s00445-010-0412-5 (DOI)


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