Published June 5, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Formation of the System of Singing Collections in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church from the XV to the First Half of the XVII Century

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The aim of the article is to identify evolutionary changes in the singing collections of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church from the XV century to the first half of the XVII century. The research methodology is based on a combination of different research methods. In particular, the application of the analytical method helped to analyze and investigate the song collections of the Homonius period. To determine the temporal and quantitative characteristics of the material analyzed, statistical and chronological methods were adopted. The application of the method of comparison helped to identify common features and characteristics in the Old Kyiv liturgical manuscripts. Scientific novelty – revealed evolutionary changes in the singing collections of the Ukrainian Church and analyzed their characteristic features in the period from the XV to the first half of the XVII century. Findings. The period from the XV to the first half of the XVII century. in the history of the liturgical books of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, it is characterized by an increase in the number of notated collections, an increase in the variance of notation in the chants, which in turn stimulated the appearance of alphabetic interpretations. The work of the masters of church singing is intensified from revising and editing the chants of the Stolpovoy (neumen) chant. In the absence of a centralized hierarchical authority, conditions were created for the emergence of regional schools of church and liturgical singing. Church chant books have become a means of practical systematization and classification of Stolp (neumen) singing in Ukrainian Orthodox worship.



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