Published June 5, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Feldenkrais Method in the Context of Institutional Models Development in Actor Training in the XXI Century

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The aim of the article is to identify whether the Feldenkrais method is effective in the process of actor training in the context of the development of modern institutional models designed on bio-psychosocial practice. The methodology of the research. Main principles of the research have been historical-survey and historical-descriptive methods, which have enabled to explore the process of actor training by the M. Feldenkrais method since the 1970’s in the USA, Israel, and France. In addition, the method of somatic education Feldenkrais based on knowledge of physics, mechanics of the body, neurology, theory of training and psychology is used. The scientific novelty. The article analyses the use of the Feldenkrais method in the professional actor training in connection with the development of modern institutional models, designed on bio-psychosocial practices that promote self-awareness, mobility, effective creative skills in the process of transformation. The expediency of some integrated aspects of Feldenkrais method into the acting classes programs at higher art educational institutions of Ukraine is substantiated. Conclusions. It is proved that techniques and actor trainings designed on the Feldenkrais method aimed at rethinking ourselves and our body power in creating towards the image. By developing a variety ways of moving and perceiving, students understand the creative process from the standpoint of the lack of restriction of expressions. Thus, future actors are working on setting up their bodies as a professional instrument, expanding the capabilities of voice and muscle-skeleton, and are aware of new opportunities for actor expressiveness, having received a choice of feelings, sensations, movements and actions.



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