The Role of Culture During the Informational and Psychological Influence During the Cossacks Era
The purpose of the article is to identify the demonstration of a targeted information influence during the Cossacks time on Ukrainian lands, to find out the cultural component’s significance while informational and psychological activity. The methodology of the research is based on the use of general scientific methods of logical and historical analysis, which made it possible to study out the specifics of the Russian autocracy’s informational influence during the Cossacks era and specifies the role of culture in this process. Scientific novelty consists in the proving the thesis about the culture key role while the targeted information influence. Conclusions. With the appearance of the Zaporozhian Sich there started a military campaign against enslavers, the information and cultural space was protected not only through information tools, but also by means of force. Orthodoxy as a component of the cultural space significantly contributed to the identification and national self-awareness of the Ukrainian people. The strengthening of the cultural space during this period created a long-lasting and powerful strategic information protection. Step-by-step, but more and more intense strategic information warfare was carried out by the Russian authorities in regard to the Hetman autonomy. The Russian authorities did not foresee any autonomy or privileged territories; this resulted in the active struggle against Ukrainian culture. The information war subjects in the person of the emperors and their entourage made every effort to create a single common cultural space by destroying other cultures. The object of this strategic information war became the Ukrainian culture carriers. The instrument of influence was education, literature, sermons and performances of religious people, banned and ridiculed Ukrainian cultural product. During the Cossacks era there were widely used various ways of influencing upon people’s consciousness for obtaining certain material or intangible resources. Throughout the entire time in relation to the Ukrainians, the Russian state pursued a policy that had all the hallmarks of a strategic information war, when, by making changes to the cultural space of the target of influence, the subject of the aggression achieved changes in people's minds and worldviews. Culture played a significant role in all acts of informational and psychological influence: thanks to the policy of the Ukrainian hetmans and the intelligentsia of that time, Ukrainian culture was establishing and developing, while Russia was deliberately destroying the Ukrainian cultural space in order to completely transform it into the Russian one. The consequence of these processes is the vulnerability of the Ukrainian cultural space to the information aggression of the Russian Federation, which requires further research and development of mechanisms for strengthening and expanding the Ukrainian cultural space.
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