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Published March 30, 2016 | Version v1
Journal article Open



Present study was aimed to explore the level of empowerment among engineering, management and
education discipline students and to explore the difference in empowerment of engineering, management and
education discipline students. It was hypothesized that the there is no significance difference in empowerment of
engineering, management and education discipline students. The findings of the study revealed that 08 percent
students of education discipline have low level empowerment, 63 percent have average level empowerment and 29
percent students of education discipline have high level empowerment. While 30 percent students of engineering
discipline have low level empowerment, 46 percent students have average level empowerment and 24 percent
students of engineering discipline have high level empowerment. On the other hand 33 percent students of
management discipline have low level empowerment, 44 percent students have average level empowerment and 23
percent students of management discipline have high level empowerment. The results explored that empowerment
of engineering, management and education discipline students significantly vary from each other’s discipline. The
difference in empowerment of engineering, management and education discipline students was further analyze
using t-test and all the values have been found to be significant at 0.01 level of significance.



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