Published March 23, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open A Resource for Building Career Awareness in Biotechnology

  • 1. Digital World Biology, 2442 NW Market St., PMB160, Seattle, WA
  • 2. Biotechnology Program, City College of San Francisco, San Francisco

Description is a comprehensive career information resource used in college and high school classrooms nationwide. The site combines education materials and job search capabilities with an extensive employer database. We describe four paths for exploring–People, Places, Things, and Jobs and describe the impacts of using the site on multiple cohorts of college students. The students reported an increased interest in pursuing biotechnology-related careers and an increase in cognitive factors (awareness, belonging, self-efficacy, and identity) known to be important in career choice.


Biotech-Careers JATE 2023 clean_SP edit_3-19-23.pdf

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A Bridge to Bio-Link's Future 1764225
U.S. National Science Foundation