Published December 7, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Theory of Reverse Innovation as Evidence of Interest in the Achievements of National Cultures in a Globalized World

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article. The objective of this article is an introduction to cultural scientific discourse one of the theories of innovation and innovation management, namely the theory of «reverse innovation». The scientific novelty of the work. The theory that is used in modern business can be taken as a basis for substantiating the request for the achievement of national cultures in a globalized world. The study highlights the theory of reverse innovation in the context of cultural issues and in the aspect of the dialogical unity of the universal and national. This formulation of the question allows the author not only to substantiate the request for national cultural achievements in the modern world but also to clarify such terms as globalization and glocalization in the cultural environment. The term «reverse innovation» refers to a business model where innovation is produced in developing countries, and then it spreads among economically developed countries that have established the prior claim on innovation upheaval in a globalized world. This model overcomes stereotypes of the glocalization approach, which involves the local adaptation of common phenomena and does not use the resource potential of the regions. The research methodology. In this study, the author used such general scientific methodology as comparison, analysis and synthesis, systematization of knowledge, as well as elements of comparative studies. Conclusions. The author established new interconnections between the theory of reverse innovations and the expression of national in culture, examples of the productivity of such an approach are given. The study of the forms and phenomena of national cultures through the application of economic theories opens the way for the introduction of the achievements of these cultures under the conditions of application of economic criteria as dominant. This approach also overcomes the separation of a nationally defined cultural environment from the economic realities of life; destroys the stereotype of economic instability in the modern globalized world of a nationally defined cultural product and creates a new space of comparative studies, it is the implementation of the «bifurcation principle» – one of the basic principles of synergetics as a science that forms the key principles of the contemporary world view. The study of individual cultural achievements as successful innovations carried out by the model of reverse innovation may and should become the subject of study of the following scientific research.



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