Published December 30, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Processional Crosses of Western Ukraine of the 17th–21st Centuries: Typological Aspect

  • 1. King Danylo University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to analyze the typology of the objects of the church attributes; to classify them on the basis of external form-creating identification features; divide them into groups depending on the time they belong to, technological aspect, material and artistic expression. A comprehensive analysis of the typology of the processional crosses as a specific art phenomenon is relevant and necessary. The research methodology is the application of such methods as: analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization. In particular, a comparative analysis was applied to compare and correlate items of the church use, and the typological analysis was necessary to provide objective knowledge of diachrony and reveal common character of certain functional and compositional features of the studied subjects. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the following priorities: complex presentation of processional crosses as a particular art phenomenon; the identification of typological groups of objects of church attributes (liturgical, sanctuary) – processional crosses from the standpoint of the systematic approach which allowed distinguishing the concept of archetype. Conclusions. It was determined that the important feature of the typology of sacred art items is that it both involves the existing types and indicates the creation of new parameters of the art system. It was proved that sacred objects should be classified according to certain criteria, first of all, according to the principle of formation. It was revealed that recognition of processional crosses is facilitated by the set of external form-creating features. The sacred items of the church use (processional crosses) having the common design and forming features, decorating techniques  are classified and divided into groups by time, technique, decoration, iconographic scheme, material, style of execution. The influence of materials on the aesthetic perception and composition of the decoration was studied.



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