Published April 12, 2021 | Version Version 3
Lesson Open

Tutorial for generating microbial bins

  • 1. NIOZ, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Department of Marine Microbiology and Biogeochemistry, and Utrecht University, Netherlands


# Description

Material required to follow a metagenomic tutorial on binning MAGs. 

The goal of this tutorial is to: 

- Work with the contigs we generated in the Assembly tutorial (or your own contigs). If you want to learn how to generate assemblies from metagenomes you check out my [Github tutorial on metagenomic assemblies](
- Do the read mapping and generate coverage files
- Adjust the coverage files for the different binning tools
- Bin with Metabat, Maxbin, Concoct, BinSanity
- Combine bins from different the binning tools by using DasTool
- Get the genome stats
- Get a first overview of the taxonomic assignment
- Create summary documents for the contigs and bins

For this tutorial we work with assemblies (and the raw reads) from 3 metagenomes. The reason to include more than one metagenome is that most binning tools take into account sequence information as well as coverage information, which make use of having data from several metagenomes (i.e. depth profiles in our case).

Here, we provide the raw reads, assembly and mapping data. The code itself (and any updates to the code) can be found under the docs at my github page: 

In version 2 we additionally provide the folder Example_Data.tar.gz, which includes an example of all relevant files generated during this workflow. In version 3 I uploaded files again to make them match with the assembly tutorial.



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