Published March 22, 2023 | Version
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Implementation of Aerial Acrobatics and Pole Dance as A Variable Segment in the School Physical Education Program

  • 1. Postgraduate student of Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Bobersky,


Secondary schools offer children a variety of opportunities to develop their physical qualities in physical education classes. Pylon sports and aerial acrobatics are not the last place among the currently popular types of physical activity. In order to apply such directions in schools, it is necessary to learn the point of teachers of professional disciplines. To do this, we decided to conduct a survey among physical education teachers of Ukraine regarding their attitude to classes in their educational institutions in these areas. The obtained results make it possible to identify obstacles and necessary changes in the education system in order to apply the latest approaches in physical education. Therefore, the purpose of our study is to determine the attitude of physical education teachers regarding the use of aerial acrobatics and pylon sports as a variable segment in the school program. For this purpose, the following tasks were set: to analyze the literature on alternative systems of physical education for elementary school students; conduct a survey of physical education teachers regarding the possibility of using aerial acrobatics and pylon sports as a variable segment in the physical education of elementary school students; to make a mathematical analysis of the results of the conducted survey. In order to determine the attitude of physical education teachers regarding the use of aerial silks and pole sports in the program of elementary school pupils, we decided to conduct a Google form survey among Ukrainian teachers of physical culture. Due to the conducted research, we were able to determine that the biggest obstacle to the application of these directions in schools is the lack of the necessary equipment and appropriate professional training of physical education teachers. In order to introduce these areas into the physical education of primary school students, according to the respondents, additional disciplines should be introduced for the training of physical education teachers, halls should be equipped with appropriate professional equipment, and optional classes should be organized in schools for those who wish to engage in these areas.



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