Research Aspects of Youth Folklore Ensemble Singing in Ukrainian Study of Arts
- 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
The purpose of the work is to summarize information on the emergence and development of youth folk music groups in Ukraine; to analyse the historiography of the issue; to determine the place and role of youth vocal-ensemble folk formations in contemporary Ukrainian musical culture as an element that links traditional rural and modern city cultures; to identify the difficulties of mastering the folklore material by the participants of secondary collectives; to determine the prospects for the study of these issues. The research methodology is based on the following theoretical methods as systematization that provides the cognition and understanding of the process of emergence and development of youth vocal-ensemble folklore performance in Ukraine as an integral part of its musical culture; abstraction to consider in a nuanced way the essential features of the mentioned kind of performing folk culture; analysis to establish links between different levels of the categories of the aforementioned performing style; synthesis to consider folklore and ensemble singing as a component of the hierarchical system of musical culture of Ukraine. The source method was also used to investigate the historical conditions of youth vocal and ensemble performance and its characteristic features. The scientific novelty of the work is to systematize the scientific experience of the study of youth folklore and ensemble performance in Ukraine, to cover the main theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of the development of vocal and ensemble folk formations in Ukraine. Conclusions. The scientific experience of the research of the problem of development of youth folk-ensemble singing has been summarized. The polemical character of the research issue has been determined. Different approaches to the development of traditional performance in youth folk formations have been systematized. The historical peculiarities of youth vocal and ensemble folklore development in contemporary Ukrainian musical culture have been revealed, which link traditional (authentic) rural culture with its inclusive folk ecosystem and modern city culture. The ways and perspectives of the development of modern youth folklore ensembles are determined.
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