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Published March 22, 2023 | Version
Journal article Open

The Effect of Commitment and Competence on the Career Improvement of State Civil Servants in the North Maluku Provincial Government

  • 1. Faculty of Law, Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia2
  • 2. Faculty of Social Science and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Nort Molucas, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the Effect of Commitment and Competence on the Career Improvement of the State Civil Apparatus in the North Maluku Provincial Government. This research technique is a quantitative technique and the data collection used is by using a questionnaire technique and then tested through the Validity and Reliability Test. The population in this study is the State Civil Apparatus within the scope of the North Maluku Provincial Government as many as 237 respondents. The analysis was carried out using multiple regression analysis with the help of SPSS. And the sample is 56. The results showed that simultaneously the variables of Commitment and Competence had a significant effect on career advancement of the State Civil Apparatus, namely X1 (commitment) having t count = 2,506 based on the t test statistic showing that t count for the independent variable (X1) < t table (2,506 < 2,685 ), thus affecting significantly. Meanwhile, the competency variable (X2) has a t count = 2.123 obtained from the t-test statistic, where it can be seen that the t-count on the independent variable X2 is less than the t table (2.123 < 2.685) also significantly affects.



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