There is a newer version of the record available.

Published March 21, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Macrozooplankton at the Barents Sea Polar Front in May 2022

  • 1. Akvaplan-niva
  • 2. Memorial University of Newfoundland


# Macrozooplankton across the Barents Sea Polar Front in May 2022

## Methods

### Study area

This dataset is the result from sampling at 6 stations across the Polar Front in the western part of the Barents Sea.

### Time coverage

The samples were collected between 19 May 2022 and 25 May 2022.

### Sampling

11 macrozooplankton samples were collected with a Tucker trawl (1 m2 opening and 1500 μm mesh size) and towed for 10 minutes at ca. 2 knots. The targeted depth at each station was determined from the sound scattering layer identified in the echogram from the vessel's echosounder.

### Sample analysis

Relative abundance from the Tucker trawl samples were analyzed per station, and taxa were counted and dried at 60 C° in pre-weighted recipients for dry weight measurements. The obtained abundances were standardized and converted to catch per unit effort, expressed in milligrams per cubic meter.


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