Supplementary Material to "An improved grand-potential phase-field model of solid-state sintering for many particles"
Supplementary Material to the publication "An improved grand-potential phase-field model of solid-state sintering for many particles" by Seiz, Hierl and Nestler. This contains the pre-study for determining the effective stiffness for the rigid-body velocity calculation and video files showing the 3D evolution of the green body in more detail than possible in the paper itself.
slicethru_{start,end}.webm: Moving slices through the 400^3 nm green body at t=0.045ms and t=1.8ms representing the start and end of the simulation respectively. White/transparency indicates the surrounding vapor, with the colourmap showing different grains. Any interfaces are shown as black lines.
greenbody_400.webm : Time evolution of the 400^3 nm green body based on the solid-vapor interface. White/transparent indicates the surrounding vapor, with the brownish material indicating the grains. Contains the notebook and data used for the pre-study for determining the effective stiffness. A binder is available at