Published March 20, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Underwater Curtains Route Analysis

  • 1. Beijing Normal University, Alfred Wegener Institute


This dataset contains the results of the route analysis presented in Wolovick et al., 2023.  There are four curtain routes discussed in the paper:  T2, T3, IB, and OB.  T2, T3, and IB can be grouped together into a combined proximal route.  We include two spreadsheets, CurtainRoutes.xlsx and CurtainStats.xlsx.  Each file contains four sheets, one for each route.  The Routes file contains the coordinates and bathymetry of the curtain routes, while the Stats file contains statistical summaries (including cost and benefit functions described in the paper) for each route as a function of target blocking depth.

Contents of the route file:

1) X/Y coordinates of the curtain route, given in the standard Antarctic stereographic projection (origin at the South Pole, latitude of true scale at 71S, Y-axis aligned with prime meridian).

2) Depth of the seabed along the route at the same set of points.

3) Data quality at the same set of points (a number from 0-1 indicating the relative weight of nearby multibeam data in computing the depth data). 


Contents of the stats file:

1) Blocking depth.  Vector of potential blocking depths, from 200m to 700m.  All other stats are functions of the blocking depth.

2) Curtain length (km).  Unweighted length of curtain required for each blocking depth.

3) Mean sea depth (m).  Mean seabed depth for curtain route segments deeper than the blocking depth.

4) Mean height (m).  Mean height above the seabed for the curtain route.

5) Max height (m) Maximum height above the seabed for the curtain route.

6) Data quality (fraction MB).  Mean bathymetric quality for seabed below the blocking depth along the curtain route.  Number from 0-1 indicating relative weight of nearby multibeam data.

7) Curtain height cost function term.  C_H in the manuscript; units= weighted km.

8) Foundation depth cost function term.  C_D in the manuscript; units=weighted km.

9) Iceberg cost function term.  C_B in the manuscript; units=weighted km.

10) Combined cost function.  C in the manuscript, weighted sum of columns 7-9 (weights = 0.5, 0.25, 0.25).

11) Thermal forcing (deg C).  Thermal forcing at target blocking depth.

12) Thermal forcing reduction (deg C).  Difference between (11) and TF at 700m (except for OB, which has a maximum depth of 680 m).

13) Benefit function.  Column 12 multiplied by a route-specific weight discussed in the manuscript (weights: T2=T3=0.25, IB=1.29, OB=1.88).

14) Value ratio.  Ratio of column 13 over column 10, given in units of deg C per 100 km.  Note that a stabilizer of 1 km has been added to the denominator when computing the ratio.


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