Published March 17, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Redundancy and Economy as a Dialectical Manifestation of Language Units

  • 1. Western Caspian University



This article deals with the principles of redundancy and economy as a dialectical manifestation of language units. In language, the principles of excess and economy form a dialectical unity. The ratio of economy and redundancy depends on the morphological structure of the language, the functioning of its elements, the analyzed level, the duality of language units, etc. What appears as surplus from one point of view is perceived as economy from another; often those that are redundant in content are considered economical in expression. In order to correctly assess the role and place of the principle of economy in the development and functioning of the language, it is necessary to investigate what the essence of this principle is, its source and the means of its implementation in the language. The study investigated that the principle of economy is universal, that is, it acts as one of the main reasons for changes in all languages. The study concluded that the principles of economy and redundancy help to reveal the essence of the most important processes of language activity. It is necessary to see the manifestation of economy not only where the language "shrinks", but also where it "expands".


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