The Existence of "Turangga Mudha" Jathilan Art Group in Pandemic Era
- 1. (Master Program of Curtural Studies SebelasMaret University of Surakarta, Indonesia)
: This research is used to know the change of jathilan art performance after Covid-19 pandemic strikes and to understand the factors which cause jathilan art survives in pandemic era. This is a qualitative research which employs descriptive qualitative research using data collection methods such as interview, documentation and theoretical review. Based on the research, “TuranggaMudha” Jathilan art group keeps performing but limited only for the residents of one village by applying health protocols. The health protocols are social distancing, washing hands, wearing masks and using hand sanitizer liquid.“TuranggaMudha” Jathilan art group also doing a live streaming performance on Youtube. Some of the factors causing “TuranggaMudha” Jathilan art group survives in this Covid-19 pandemic era are that the artists don’t want to lose their skills because they don’t use them, jathilan artists want to preserve the existence of jathilan art, and there are demands from the people so that jathilan art is performed although only by live streaming on Youtube.
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