Published December 27, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Elusive Meaning of Nonconformism. Comments on the Context of Concept Functioning in Ukraine

  • 1. The National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of the study is to carry out a conceptual and categorical reconstruction of nonconformism in the context of the concept functioning in Ukraine. The research is based on the interdisciplinary integration of a number of methods, united by a conceptually summarized interaction between the material being studied and the researcher, who, in order to achieve this goal, recourses to an interpretative approach. Equally, there are both objective and somewhat subjective methods. In particular, it is a historical-genetic approach that allows one to trace the development of the category of “nonconformism” during the existence of the phenomenon outlined by these categories; the reconstruction method, which is involved for the feasibility study on recombining stable iconographic elements of Ukrainian artistic nonconformism within the reinterpretation of their context, and the method of diachronic analysis of socio-historical reality aimed at studying historical and cultural processes, i.e. changes of cultural reality as opposed to synchronous (simultaneous) analysis, which is designed to explain the essential and spatial nature of this historical and cultural reality. Conclusions. Thinking on the nature of the concept of “non-conformism”, which, strange as it may seem appear, are not yet fixed in Ukrainian art, have a labyrinthform, which is caused, on the one hand, by the presence in time of the art pieces, which, at this time, should not be due to its other ideological guidelines, on the other hand, the presence of the artist’s inner need for artistic expression, which cannot but be “conflicting” in relation to the time in which he or she exists, if he or she is a true innovator, and natural towards oneself, as an artist finds oneself as an innovator. The Ukrainian experience of presentation of the nonconformity of our artists’ works abroad in the 1970s and 1980s with elements of ethnoidentification makes it possible to assume that since this time the concept, content, and essence of “nonconformism” have occurred, which have been reaching its permanent conceptual form.



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