Published July 11, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Sign, Symbol and Myth in the Creative Work of Taras Shevchenko: Culturological Aspect

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Сulture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to study the specifics of the use of a sign, symbol and myth while creating the picture of Ukrainian life in the culturological paradigm of T. Shevchenko’s poetic creativity. The research methodology consisted in the set of following methods: analysis and synthesis – to investigate the state of scientific development of the topic; historical-genetic, typological and historical-comparative – to promote understanding of the cultural parameters of the investigated phenomenon, its comprehension in the context of national and European scientific thought. The scientific novelty of the work lies in comprehensive disclosure of the semantic system of the picture of national life and the art of painting by means of words (“cinematic” code) as a great source of power of the artistic influence on the recipient, studying its symbolism as a component of the intricate paradigm of culturological manifestations, the dialectics of connections between the lyrical and scientific reflection in T. Shevchenko’s poetry. Conclusions. It was proved that by using a sign, symbol and myth Shevchenko-the poet synthesized symbols, concepts, mythological and biblical images from the real space of action to the cosmic scale in a comprehensive way, while Shevchenko-the artist used the art of painting by means of words. T. Shevchenko’s creative work is deeply national, its main theme is the fate of Ukraine and its people; at the same time it has a universal character, the basis of which is determined by the triune of the concepts of national – universal – spiritual.



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