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Published March 14, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D7.1 – Dissemination & Communication Plan & Activities (v1)

  • 1. Trust-IT Services
  • 2. University of Piraeus
  • 3. GFT


The Dissemination & Communication Plan of the MOBISPACES project defines all dissemination activities within the project and it provides the guidelines for the dissemination to be followed by all partners. Ιt details the methodology and the tools to be used for the project’s communication needs, as well as a detailed timeline to adhere to. It is a working document and can be amended as opportunities arise during the course of the project.
All dissemination activities are designed to:

  • Ensure good internal communication amongst partners, with regular updates on progress and achievements;
  • Increase the MOBISPACES project’s visibility;
  • Share and publicise the project’s objectives and results;
  • Keep stakeholders and partners informed on progress made and milestones reached.

This Dissemination & Communication Plan aims to give an overview of the following aspects: 1) Who communicates (the partners); 2) What to communicate (the message); 3) To whom the project communicates (the audience and addressed Stakeholders); 4) Why (awareness raising, increase visibility of the project and make its results and deliverables available to the stakeholders and to the general audience); 5) How to communicate (the methodology behind it, channels and tools); 6) When (timeline).

The plan will undergo three formal iterations over the projects’ lifecycle (M12, M24, M36) but it will also be updated and reviewed by partners (when needed) throughout the project lifetime as work progresses and new opportunities for dissemination emerge and are identified.



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MobiSpaces – New data spaces for green mobility 101070279
European Commission