Published March 13, 2023 | Version 1.0
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CHIPS Microsimulation model: A tool to evaluate effects on inequality and poverty

  • 1. UNED


Microsimulation models are tools that simulate the effect of a policy or a reform on a representative sample of individual agents (households, consumers, taxpayers, etc.). They allow computing both aggregate and distributional effects of the policy or reforms, considering the heterogeneity among individuals. As a consequence, they are a powerful tool for the development of decision-support models in order to simulate and evaluate the impact of public policies. This tool was developed in the context of the AXIS-project CHIPS ( 


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  • Labandeira, X. JM. Labeaga, X. López-Otero and T. Sterner (2022), "Distributional impacts of carbon taxation in Mexico", Cuadernos de ICE 104.