Published March 11, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Ayurveda Perspective for Puerperium Management

  • 1. Department of Kaumarabhrutya and Stri Roga, Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, Gampaha Wickramarachchi University of Indigenous Medicine, Yakkala, Sri-Lanka


Ayurveda medicine is one of the oldest medical systems which is known as the Science of life. It is based on curative and preventive measures. Ayurveda advises caring for a woman in her life, especially during the puerperium or post-natal period. In Ayurveda, it is known as sutika kala which is considered as the period, after the expulsion of the placenta and extends up to the six weeks. The woman in this period is called as sutika. As well as special regimen and post-natal care of the puerperal woman are mentioned under the sutika paricharya in Ayurveda classics. After the delivery, the woman's body may be lost of strength due to exhaustion during labour and loss all of dhathus and blood. Thus, there is a risk for the puerperal woman who is suffered from several diseases. In Ayurveda Acharya’s have mentioned, the importance of following sutika paricharya to prevent from the complications and to regain all physical and mental wellbeing of the puerperal woman her pre pregnant state.


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