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Published March 11, 2023 | Version
Journal article Open

Baha'i Teachings in Pancasila

  • 1. (STAN Polytechnic of State Finance, Indonesia)


Indonesia is a pluralistic country with a variety of ethnic, racial, cultural, and religious life in Indonesia. Baha'i is one of the religions that developed in Indonesia, although not as an official religion. Baha'i religion is often seen by the community as a heresy. Baha'is also often get intolerant and discriminatory actions. This study aims to provide a clear picture of whether the Baha'i religion is in accordance with Pancasila which is the basis and ideology of the Indonesian people. This study uses a constructivist paradigm, with a descriptive qualitative approach. Methods of data collection by library research and interviews. This study compares the points of Pancasila with Baha’i teachings. The results of this study illustrate that there are many similarities between Baha'i religion and Pancasila. Baha’i religion does not conflict with Pancasila. This research can be conveyed to government officials, community leaders, religious leaders and the wider community so that there is no negative view of the Baha'i religion.



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  • Nuh, Nuhrison M et al, Baha"i, Sikh, Tao Penguatan Identitas dan Perjuangan Hak-Hak Sipil (Jakarta: Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kemenag, 2015)
  • Nuh, Nuhrison M. (Ed.), Aliran-Aliran Keagamaan Aktual di Indonesia (Jakarta: Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kemenag, 2010).
  • Official Letter the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia to the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number: MA / 276/2014 dated July 24, 2014 about Explanation About The Existancy of Baha"i in Indonesia
  • Nisa", Nurun, Menganut Baha"i Diperiksa Kejari, The Wahid Institute Monthly Report on Religious Issue, XXIV Ed, November 2009.
  • Hartatik, Puji and Liestyaningsih, PersepsiMasyarakatTerhadapKelompokPenganut Agama Baha"i Di DesaCebolekKidulKecamatanMargoyosoKabupatenPati, Kajian Moral danKewarganegaraan, 7 (2), 2019, 361 - 375
  • Rosyid, Moh, ResolusiKonflikUmat Baha"i dengan Muslim: StudiKasus di Pati, Jawa Tengah, Harmoni: JurnalMultikultural&Multireligius,17 (2), 2019, 424 – 442.