This research analyzes the transformation of the right to a healthy environment into a human right, as well as the internationalization of this right, aligned with the perception of the existence of transboundary damages, evolved its study and regulation, culminating in the emergence and development of International Environmental Law. Afterwards, the study begins on the International Responsibility of the State for the practice of an international illicit act, that is, when it violates a regulation and damages the right of another sovereign State or territorial area outside its national jurisdiction, tracing the main characteristics of this institute in the environmental field. It then examines the common but differentiated responsibility of states as it studies this form of state accountability as a principle of international environmental law, and demonstrates how its positivity in various international norms contributes to the global integration of countries in the pursuit of terrestrial environmental recovery and sustainable development. Finally, in his conclusion, he discusses how the international protection of the environment is made possible by these two types of state responsibility.
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