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Published March 10, 2023 | Version
Journal article Open

The effect of social media on pre- and post purchasing behavior: Evidence from Turkey

  • 1. Beykent University Beykent University


The aim of this study is to determine the role and effect of social media in the purchasing behavior of consumers. The purchasing behavior is taken into analysis as pre and post purchasing. The data was gathered from university students who are intensive users of the Internet and social media that identified as the sample of the research. The sample was chosen by convenience sampling and 306 university students were reached. Descriptive method was used in the research and the scale was used in the framework of prepurchasing and post-purchasing behavior. The research findings show that the social media marketing strategies has a meaningful impact and that there is a meaningful but not strong relationship between the social media frequency of use and its effect on purchasing behavior. This means that the firms should try to understand the social media users’ reasons and expectations in social media and react according to their needs and taking care of users’s expectations.



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